Washington, DC

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Default icon of the DC Flag
Default image of the DC flag being held in a hand

Vendors must submit DC Government invoices electronically.

Jobs and employment service icon
Default image of the DC flag being held in a hand

MORCA helps returning residents through the job application process. 

Community Relations icon
Protect Seniors from Elder Abuse Logo

If you are a victim of elder abuse, help is available!

Public safety
Red phone and fire extinguisher

Inspection of residential dwellings are available by appointment.

Public safety
Red phone and fire extinguisher

የመኖሪያ ቤቶች ፍተሻ በቀጠሮ ማግኘት ይችላሉ።

Public safety
Red phone and fire extinguisher

ቀይ ስልክ እና እሳት ማጥፊያ

Public safety
Red phone and fire extinguisher

Des inspections des logements résidentiels sont disponibles sur rendez-vous. Ces inspections sont menées gratuitement par la Division des pompiers du Département des Services d’incendie et médicaux d’urgence du District de Columbia.

Public safety
Téléphone rouge et extincteur

Des inspections des logements résidentiels sont disponibles sur rendez-vous.

Public safety

可预约住宅检查。这些检查由哥伦比亚特区消防及紧急医疗服务部 (F&EMS) 消防分部执行。提供检查报告和建议。也可申请后续预约。我们提供此项服务的目标是确保住宅杜绝火灾危险和安全违规。请致电 (202) 727-1614。
联系 TTY: 

Public safety
Red phone and fire extinguisher

Se ofrecen inspecciones de viviendas con reserva previa de horario. Estas inspecciones se realizan como cortesía de la División de Bomberos del Departamento de Bomberos y Servicios de Emergencia Médica del Distrito de Columbia.

Global Youth Service Day icon
Global Youth Service Day Volunteers

Mobilizing millions of young people who improve their communities throughout the year with a annual celebrated campaign.

Grants Funding icon
Grant orientation

We provide grants management services and technical assistance to non-profit organizations to improve their capacity.

Default icon of the DC Flag
Language Access and Advocacy Program
Interpretation/Quality Control Services

MOLA supports DC government agencies and Community-Based Organizations (CBOs) serving Latino constituents by providing quality control of written communications in Spanish.

Children and Youth Icon
Match on fire

The Juvenile Firesetter's Intervention Program is a four week intervention program which services children between the ages 2-17 who have exhibited fire related behavior.

This icon is an image of a talk bubble with elipsees.
Language Access - an array of forms in many languages

Technical assistance and guidance on providing language assistance to Asian and Pacific Islanders.

Default icon of the DC Flag
The Language Access (LA) Program

The Language Access (LA) Program exists to ensure District residents who are limited (LEP) or non-English proficient (NEP) are afforded equal access to information and services provided by District government agencies.

Grants and Funding Icon
Default image of the DC flag being held in a hand

Fund programs that provide services to the District’s LGBTQ residents

Training and Professional Certification icon
Cultural Sculpture

Training is provided on topics that include Cultural Competency, Public Education and more.

Default image of the DC flag being held in a hand

Medicaid helps pay for medical services for low-income and disabled people.
